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This blog is to chronicle my lessons in Journalism II. All posts are tagged and sorted.

Monday 6 May 2013

First day of class!

The most important part of the first day of Journalism II we covered today was what we actually had to do to get our grades, but it wasn't the most interesting part. That belonged to the visiting professor, not to disparage our actual professor.

See, the Brandon Sun has been an object of fascination to me for years. As a kid, I knew it as the crappier Winnipeg Free Press, but it was interesting hearing parts of its history and how it had become the paper it is today. The fact it's part of some chess game of corporations wasn't very surprising. I'm just waiting to find out that the Sound Off column is a method of finding out which citizens to weed out.

Not that I could pull any examples of the column for this post, because the entire Brandon Sun is locked down to anyone without a subscription and hell if I can remember my login.The useless, unreadable, page is still slathered with ads, however.

I'm not in this course to become a journalist, my school goal is archaeology, but I want to learn about journalism. It's important, it interests me, and it'd be a good skill to pick up. I already have the computer skills - in fact I was surprised how much of what I spent most of my evenings doing applied for this class. Which means I'm here to learn theory and method.

Or embark on my secret plan to become Clark Kent.


  1. I wasn't hugely surprised by the corporatism of the Brandon Sun either, not happy, but not surprised either. I did a work experience with them in high-school and it was the running joke that minor car crashes trump almost anything... except big car crashes. Sad state on the news in the area. :S

    1. oh god, that reminds me of a photo I took right after the Boston Bombings. Must post. It's Brandon Sun-relevant.
