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This blog is to chronicle my lessons in Journalism II. All posts are tagged and sorted.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Yesterday: The Google

Yesterday we learned about various google products, but mostly the dead-man-walking Google Reader. It's a shame they won't be keeping it, it was good and easy to use.

I love google products, I use docs, gmail, and gchat daily, but now I'm wondering if they're heading their way to being canceled at some point in the near future.

You can't make me change all my contact information again. You can't. I had a hard enough time switching from yahoo to gmail last decade.

Googlebooks exists to give me a headache, though.


  1. I cheated... I just started with Feedly :D

    Googlebooks give you a headache... why? I always found it kinda' useful.

    1. That's pretty smart.

      And because it never seems to want to yield up anything I actually want from it. It taunts me.
